One Move to Change the Community

Donate to Our Capital Fund

Capital Investment

House of Hope Community Center

We make no small plans! The House of Hope Community Center is our next step in the growth of C24/7’s services to the Rogers Park community.

Download the Vision Statement

Tour Our Vision for the New Facility

Click through to take a virtual tour of renderings of our new facility.

Our Current Home

We are enormously grateful to those who contributed to our capital campaign and those that committed a financial pledge toward future construction. It is because of this amazing support that C24/7 can look ahead to a bright future of spreading hope. We still plan to build on part of our empty lot and hope to have those plans for you soon. In the meantime, we are delighted to share more about our building that will serve as a pivotal home for expanding our mission in Rogers Park and growing C24/7’s impact.

We are deeply grateful to Starfish Learning Center, an After-school Program that decided to discontinue operations in 2023 and give their building to C24/7. This gift has opened doors to expanded opportunities, increased impact, and stronger community engagement. The building, located at 1543 W Howard Street, provides a versatile space to support our growing programs.

C24/7 has grown quickly!

From our grassroots origins, we now stand at a crossroads of great need and even greater opportunity.

Our programs have wait-lists because we do not have the space to admit more children and job-seekers. Our neighborhood has as many struggles as it has ever had. Our constituents have taken the first steps toward empowerment, but need much more support.

Our belief in a God of parent-like love compels us to take the next step as an organization and more fully reach, serve, and empower the North of Howard community of Rogers Park.

Building a new home will allow us to do exactly that. The opportunity exists for profound, long-lasting improvement in the structures, systems, and people of our community. We believe by increasing our space, presence in the community, and collaboration with partners through the purchase of a new building we can help bring the improvement our community is desperately looking for.

“C24/7 understands the ins and outs of navigating gang violence, and often are the first to know of traumatic and urgent crises our neighbors face.”

Maria E. Hadden, Alderwoman, 49th Ward

Ways to Give

If you’re interested in exploring or learning more about any of these planned giving methods to support C24/7, please contact our Director of Advancement, Sheri Gibson.
Contact Sheri

Gifts of Appreciated Assets

Donors can simply transfer assets such as stock, land, or other property to C24/7, which avoids capital gains tax and offers an income tax charitable deduction.

Qualified charitable distribution

A great option for any donor aged 70 1/2 or older. Distributing money from a qualified retirement account directly to C24/7 avoids the taxations typically associated with distributions, while also leaving a gift to a great cause!

Donor Advised Funds & Family Foundations

If you or someone you know already have a Charitable Giving Fund and/or Family Foundation set up, you can choose C24/7 as a recipient of funds. Typically this is as easy as providing our EIN number: 81-3116501.

Help Someone Thrive Today

You can get started right now by helping a child or young adult forge a path to hope and renewal.

Give Today